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Codes of Behavior in IELTS Speaking Interview--A Study of Georgian IELTS instructors

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DOI: 10.23977/langta.2022.050101 | Downloads: 77 | Views: 2357


Hamed Ghaemi 1


1 Bahar Institute of Higher Education

Corresponding Author

Hamed Ghaemi


The purpose of the current study was to construct a Codes of Behaviour Questionnaire for IELTS Speaking Interview. To this end, the questionnaire was designed by selecting the most significant factors of behavioural issues in IELTS Interviewing based on quantitative approach. The scale which consisted of four main categories, are (1) Values system factor, (2) Fairness, (3) Content factor, and (4) Interpersonal relationship, along with 28 items. After employing EFA and CFA, it was revealed that the questionnaire consists of high validity. Moreover, the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed by running Cronbach's Alpha which was .825. As an alternative to the traditional approach, this study utilized structural equation modelling (SEM) with multiple indicators to examine the validity and reliability of Codes of Behaviour in IELTS Interviewing Questionnaire. Finally, statistical results and implications were discussed.


Behaviour; codes; interviewing; Standards, IELTS


Hamed Ghaemi, Codes of Behavior in IELTS Speaking Interview--A Study of Georgian IELTS instructors. Journal of Language Testing & Assessment (2022) Vol. 5: 1-12. DOI:


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