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Analysis of Higher Education Institutions Mission Statements

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DOI: 10.23977/aetp.2021.54014 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 1365


Yu Sun 1, Zhe Wang 1, Ying Zhang 1


1 Department of Translation and Interpreting, Changchun Humanities and Sciences College, Changchun, China

Corresponding Author

Yu Sun


Mission statements prescribe an organization’s nature, positioning and future direction, a public image that the organization endeavors to set. There has been an increasing interest among the academia towards how higher education institutions draft their mission statements in which core values are upheld and all stakeholders’ concerns are related. This study aims to explore what are most referred aspects of mission statement and how are they related to higher education promises as a whole through content analysis of multiple researches. The result shows that there are significant differences of mission statements narrations due to various cultures, geographic regions, and nations, in spite of common shared core values and distinctive objectives undertook by higher education everywhere. Besides, some countries and regions weigh certain values and missions of higher education sector over others. 


Higher education institutions, Mission statements, Content analysis.


Yu Sun, Zhe Wang and Ying Zhang. Analysis of Higher Education Institutions Mission Statements. Advances in Educational Technology and Psychology (2021) 5: 100-106. DOI:


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