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Marketing Strategy of Sustainable Fashion B Corporations: Case Studies in China

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DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2023.050906 | Downloads: 80 | Views: 824


Lun Dai 1


1 Department of Business English, Foreign Language School, Chengdu Neusoft University, Chengdu, China

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Lun Dai


The B Corporation (also referred as B Corp) movement is a relatively new phenomenon in China, with many verified B Corporations falling into the sustainable fashion or sustainable textile category. This paper aims to study these sustainable fashion B Corporations in China (SFBCs) from a marketing strategy perspective. To achieve this, the paper conducted effective qualitative research on 7 SFBCs, based on a substantial review of existing literature on sustainable fashion marketing. The qualitative research included analyses of secondary data on SFBCs, as well as interviews with relevant staff and on-site observations. Purposive sampling was also used to collect primary data (N=56) in order to explore relevant consumer behaviour for SFBCs products. The study found a mismatch between the supply and demand in terms of sustainability and affordability consciousness. To address this, the paper developed a tool called the Affordability-Sustainability Segments to clarify the positions of SFBCs and provide suggestions for their future development. The study of SFBCs can serve as a guide for the development of other B Corporations in China, particularly those in the sustainable fashion and textile industry.


B Corporation, Sustainable Fashion B Corporations in China (SFBC), Marketing Strategy, Affordability-Sustainability Segments


Lun Dai, Marketing Strategy of Sustainable Fashion B Corporations: Case Studies in China. Accounting and Corporate Management (2023) Vol. 5: 37-50. DOI:


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