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An Analysis on the Responses of Major US-based International Companies to External Pressures—On the Example of Apple and Facebook

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DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2023.050902 | Downloads: 19 | Views: 455


Yilong Chen 1, Fuhong Liu 2, Qin Wu 3


1 Nanchong Vocational College of Culture and Tourism, Langzhong, China
2 Chengdu Branch of China Tower Co., Ltd., Chengdu, China
3 Jiangxi University of Applied Science, Nanchang, China

Corresponding Author

Yilong Chen


The responses of global enterprises to external pressures has an important impact on the development. Major US-based international companies like Apple and Facebook have different solutions when facing pressures from stakeholders, including international institutions, governments, media, employees, civic society and consumers. By comparing these two issues, it could be analyzed a suitable way for companies to perform better on the global business stage.


Apple, Facebook, External pressures


Yilong Chen, Fuhong Liu, Qin Wu, An Analysis on the Responses of Major US-based International Companies to External Pressures—On the Example of Apple and Facebook. Accounting and Corporate Management (2023) Vol. 5: 11-14. DOI:


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