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The Impact of Fresh E-Commerce Web Site Customer Orientation on Relationship Benefits and Customer Loyalty

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DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2023.060506 | Downloads: 49 | Views: 613


Chongcai Wang 1


1 School of Management, Anhui Science and Technology University, 1501 Mountain Huang Main Road, Bengbu, China

Corresponding Author

Chongcai Wang


From the fresh e-commerce website point of view, this study investigates the influence of website customer orientation on e-relationship benefit and e-customer loyalty (repurchase intention and advocacy intention). Based on the in-depth study of previous relevant high-quality literature, combined with the survey of fresh e-commerce customers, the conceptual model of website customer orientation, relationship benefits and customer loyalty (repurchase intention and advocacy intention) is established. By using SPSSPRO online software, the research conducts EFA (exploratory factor analysis) and CFA (confirmatory factor analysis). The founding indicates fresh e-commerce website customer orientation has an extremely significant impact on relationship benefits (trust benefit, special treatment benefit and social benefit). Among them, website customer orientation has the greatest impact on trust benefits. However, as for the effect of relationship benefits on customer loyalty, except for the significant impact of trust benefits on customer loyalty, the other two benefit dimensions have no positively significant impact on customer loyalty. Finally, in line with the above empirical results, the paper draws research conclusions, puts forward management suggestions, illustrates the limitations, and discusses the future research scope and direction.


Web Site customer orientation, fresh e-commerce, e-relationship benefits, repurchase intention, advocacy intention


Chongcai Wang, The Impact of Fresh E-Commerce Web Site Customer Orientation on Relationship Benefits and Customer Loyalty. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2023) Vol. 6: 52-63. DOI:


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