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Compatibility Analysis of African Ubuntu Political Thought and China's "Common Prosperity"

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DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040109 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 413


Yonghao Li 1


1 Department of Political and Legal Education, Shandong Academy of Governance, Jinan, Shandong, 250103, China

Corresponding Author

Yonghao Li


Since the 1990s, the South African government has continuously promoted Ubuntu's political ideas, and Ubuntu has gradually exerted a wide influence in sub - Saharan Africa and even the world. This paper intends to study the political and ideological compatibility between Ubuntu and China's hotly discussed "common prosperity" in recent years, which is the basic principle of government governance and foreign policy in major African countries. Understanding Ubuntu Thought is of great significance for China to carry out diplomacy, economy and trade, and mutual learning of civilizations with African countries. At present, China is accelerating the development of China-Africa relations and promoting the construction of a "China-Africa community with a shared future." However, so far, China's domestic academic circles have lacked specialized research on Ubuntu Thought, which has a core political and ideological status in many African countries. This article intends to explain the main connotation and value system of the African Ubuntu thought, explore the compatibility with the idea of "common prosperity", and then analyze the prospects for the development of Sino-African relations.


Ubuntu; political thought; common prosperity; compatibility


Yonghao Li, Compatibility Analysis of African Ubuntu Political Thought and China's "Common Prosperity". Journal of Political Science Research (2023) Vol. 4: 69-74. DOI: 10.23977/polsr.2023.040109.


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