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Research on the Application of "Non-fiction Writing" in the Field of Journalism: Take the Non-Fiction Writing Official Account "People" as an Example

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DOI: 10.23977/mediacr.2023.040204 | Downloads: 2 | Views: 436


Xiaoxue Cao 1


1 Zhengzhou University, No. 100 Science Avenue, Zhengzhou, 450001, Henan, China

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Xiaoxue Cao


At present, the media ecology is bound by traffic logic, and communication channels are easy to interrupt or even fail. It is imperative for the media to reconstruct business. At the same time, the academic community and industry have to think about the following questions: How to enrich and innovate the news style? What kind of news style is the most infectious? What kind of news style can keep users' attention the most? In 2010, China's journalism introduced non-fiction writing originating in the United States, which is a progressive attempt to enrich news texts, which adds an aesthetic sense of news narrative. At the same time, some non-fiction writing platforms have also emerged, which have jointly promoted the prosperity of China's journalism. However, as a new style in the field of journalism, non-fiction writing inevitably has some problems in the process of legalization. This article tries to explore these problems and explore the path to solve the corresponding problems. 


Non-fiction writing, Non-fiction writing platform, News narrative


Xiaoxue Cao, Research on the Application of "Non-fiction Writing" in the Field of Journalism: Take the Non-Fiction Writing Official Account "People" as an Example. Media and Communication Research (2023) Vol. 4: 17-22. DOI:


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