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The Marriage and Fertility Dilemmas Facing Gay People in China—A Study of Moral Sociology Based on 7 Individual Instances

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2023.050314 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 644


Juncheng Li 1, Yan Shi 1


1 School of Sociology and Law, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030000, China

Corresponding Author

Juncheng Li


Marriage and childbearing are always closely related to sex. The dilemma of marriage and childbearing faced by the gay community means that a revolution in sexual morality is necessary in China. The article takes the gay community in China as the research object, from the perspective of moral sociology; Combined with the unstructured interview data of 7 (4 gay men and 3 lesbians), this paper expounds the difficulties faced by this group in marriage and fertility practice.


Homosexual group; Marriage; Procreation; A dilemma; Sociology of morality


Juncheng Li, Yan Shi, The Marriage and Fertility Dilemmas Facing Gay People in China—A Study of Moral Sociology Based on 7 Individual Instances. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2023) Vol. 5: 90-99. DOI:


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