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The Influence of Two-Dimensional Customer Orientation on C2C Online Shop Service Quality and Customer Behavioral Intention in C2C E-Commerce Setting

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2023.040202 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 507


Chongcai Wang 1


1 School of Management, Anhui Science and Technology University, 1501 Mountain Huang Main Road, Bengbu, China

Corresponding Author

Chongcai Wang


From the consumer-to-consumer (C2C) website system angle of view, this study examines the mechanism of two-dimensional customer orientation on C2C service quality and customer behavioral intention of online shops. Based on the academic research final results of previous scholars, combined with the survey of C2C online shop customers, the relationship model of two-dimensional customer orientation, online shop service quality and customer behavioral intention is established. By using SPSS software and structural equation model (SEM), the author analyzes the findings of investigation. The results show both C2C website customer orientation and online shop customer orientation have a dramatic impact on online shop service quality. However, C2C website customer orientation has a more noticeable effect on online shop service quality than that of online shop customer orientation. At the same time, the empirical results have revealed the effect of website customer orientation on customer behavioral intention is very little, while the effect of online shop customer orientation on customer behavioral intention is highly significant. Besides, based on the empirical results, this study summarizes the above contents, singles out the limitations, and discusses the further research fields.


Two-dimensional customer orientation, online shop customer orientation, online shop service quality, customer behavioral intention


Chongcai Wang, The Influence of Two-Dimensional Customer Orientation on C2C Online Shop Service Quality and Customer Behavioral Intention in C2C E-Commerce Setting. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2023) Vol. 4: 10-20. DOI:


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