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Review on Cognitive Style in the Field of Entrepreneurship

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DOI: 10.23977/acccm.2022.040109 | Downloads: 45 | Views: 1259


Dan Long 1, Qi Liu 1, Yalong Wei 1


1 School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Heifei 230009, China

Corresponding Author

Yalong Wei


Cognitive style is a personal preference for information processing, which affect the way individuals collect, analyze and process information. Research of cognitive style in organizational management has been very extensive. In recent years, some scholars have introduced cognitive style into entrepreneurial research. Based on reviewing the literature of cognitive style in the field of entrepreneurship in recent 30 years, this paper summarizes the concept of cognitive style and its dimension classifications in this field. Then, from the perspective of entrepreneurial process and behavioral agent, research on cognitive style in entrepreneurial field is divided into four topics in terms of cognitive style and entrepreneurial characteristics, cognitive style and entrepreneurial intention, cognitive style and entrepreneurial opportunity identification. As well as cognitive style and entrepreneurial performance. Finally, this paper proposes the future research directions.


Cognitive style, Entrepreneurial characteristics, Entrepreneurial intention, Entrepreneurial opportunity identification, Entrepreneurial performance


Dan Long, Qi Liu, Yalong Wei, Review on Cognitive Style in the Field of Entrepreneurship. Accounting and Corporate Management (2022) Vol. 4: 62-74. DOI:


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