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Enhancing Industry-Academia Collaboration in Art and Design Vocational Education in China: Bridging the Gap

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DOI: 10.23977/avte.2024.060303 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 237


Moyun Yin 1


1 Department of Cultural Media and Service, Langfang Polytechnic Institute, Langfang, Hebei, China

Corresponding Author

Moyun Yin


During the past decades, vocational education in China has experienced tremendously fast growth and a quick reform in production areas, particularly in creative fields such as artwork and design. A summary expounding 50 studies is written to assess whether art and design curricula in Chinese vocational colleges are based on their design, pedagogy, industry relations, and graduate hiring [12]. The review shows that despite a rise in the number of vocational art and design students, far-ranging challenges concerning the disparate deployment of teaching resources, imbalanced curriculum coverage and gaps in cross-cutting of practical training and technology skills, difficulties in making graduates proper fit for career purposes, and partial hitches with industry needs still exist [35]. The proposals include short-term creative tutoring gain, excellent career services, school-enterprise partnership support through material incentives, and long-term result tracking. The government's proposition to channel its funding towards a holistic improvement of vocational education's quality and interconnectivity is a significant step towards forming an intellectually capable working class that is mainly fit to meet the changing market rates [25]. The review is built upon previous studies to disseminate such information to policymakers and employers to assist in developing vocational training in China's constantly changing economy.


Vocational education, art and design, creative industries, curriculum, career development, China


Moyun Yin, Enhancing Industry-Academia Collaboration in Art and Design Vocational Education in China: Bridging the Gap. Advances in Vocational and Technical Education (2024) Vol. 6: 15-25. DOI:


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